Lagmo shares his thoughts....

Alright, I have never written a blog post before and this will be fun.
My name is Johan Lagmo and I am the OnG player from Team Sweden at
this year's ETC. Last year I played demons but since we are not
bringing them this year, I have changed my colours to a more greenish
facet. For me it has been a quit stressful time this lasts months. The
last draft came out so late and the team hadn't decided what we would
bring until the very end almost. So I made loads of gametesting and
theorycrafting. However I figured there should be alot of
magic/knights/monst cav and build my list to be able to handle them.

I don't know how much preparations sweden do compared to other teams
but IT does take alot of your time to be in a ETC team, however so
far, it is well worth the cost. To be able to hang out with all these
awsome personalities for a weekend, is nothing but awesome. The gaming
comes second, and that says alot for me. Gaming has always been a
great part in my life, being it computer, board or wargaming.

I hope there will be more aspirants for the team next year and give us
a run for the spots in team.

Cheers Johan 'pretty boy' Lagmo


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